
MDC Client Companies July 2024

Graduated companies have left the Studio for their own offices. Funded companies have their own management and payroll and operate within the Studio. Companies in the Pipeline are working on device designs and funding.

  • All
  • Graduated
  • Funded
  • Pipeline

Next Step Graduated from the Studio in June 2021, moving the the University of Maryland Biopark.

Sonosa became an funded company in June 2021

Surgical Vision became an funded company in June 2021

Pneumico joined the studio in January 2020

Modular Matter was formed in the Studio in 2020

Relavo joined the Studio in June 2021

Connected Care Systems was formed in the Studio in 2018

Shuriken Medical was formed in the Studio in 2020

Aerea has been in the Studio since 2019

Vascular Rescue was formed in the Studio in 2019

Advanced Surgical Design formed in the Studio in 2019