Amy Hizounephoto

Amy Hizoune is the Business Manager at MDC, serving the interests of all the MDC client companies.

Amy serves as MDC's Business and Contracts manager. She Hizoune has more than 30 years experience in the US Government contract environment including multiple, successful start-up and spin-off companies. Her expertise ranges from: Company Creation, Accounting System Setup, Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) Compliance and Audits for Cost Type Contracts, Contract Negotiation, Purchasing and Subcontracts, Customer Billings, Payroll, Human Resources, Project Reporting, and Tax Returns. Amy’s resume includes several hundred million USD in US Government and Export Sales contracts to more than 20 countries world-wide.

Amy leads the MDC management team with a hands on approach to ensure a smooth startup for each affiliate. Her approach ensures that all MDC affiliates are properly formed and efficiently operating with the support of MDC with the goal of creating the best possible success for the MDC affiliate.