S Restaino photo

Stephen M. Restaino, PhD - Dr. Restaino is a Partner in MDC, Director of Engineering at MDC, CEO of MDC's portfolio company, Sonosa Medical, Inc. , and has been named one of Biotech’s top 50 “Leaders of Tomorrow.”

After gaining direct medical experience as an EMT, he began his technical career as a research engineer at the FDA, where he used radiological and other image processing techniques to study the effects of implantable neuromodulation devices. He then received his PhD from the University of Maryland in 2017, where he developed advanced, portable diagnostic technologies under Dr. Ian White. His work included novel biomolecular amplification mechanisms and novel applications of optical sensing techniques to improve the sensitivity, specificity, and portability of existing amplified diagnostic assays.

Dr. Restaino then joined the Maryland Development Center, as a Senior Research Engineer with the goal of accelerating translation of medical devices out of academic labs. Through success in engineering and non-dilutive fundraising, he rapidly advanced from a research engineer to Director of Engineering, responsible for overseeing technical development towards commercializable devices.

His efforts led to a combined $4.2M in non-dilutive funding, at least 6 new patent applications, and 4 independently funded start-up companies.

His medical device experience includes design and fabrication in electronics, robotics, rapid manufacturing (i.e. 3D printing), and software development. He has designed and implemented IRB approved clinical studies as well as survival and non-survival studies in both small and large animal models.