Brad Hennessie photo

Brad Hennessie, MHA, MBA (CEO NextStep Robotics) has raised ~$2M to date and an additional $5.4M in nondilutive grants as part of a Cooperative Agreement with NIH NINDS. Mr. Hennessie has worked with the team for over a decade.

Prior to founding NextStep Robotics, he coordinated the stroke research portfolio of the Maryland Exercise and Robotics Center of Excellence (MERCE), managing over $7M/year in federal research funding among 14 Principal Investigators.

Relationships he developed over his career have allowed NextStep to form early partnerships and grow to a team of 11 in just 4 years time.

Mr. Hennessie has developed a passion to develop pathways that will help streamline the development of clinical research into tools that can be used in clinics to help patients. This technology transfer passion has led to a standing committee member position at NIH NINDS to review translational research projects for both neural devices and devices as alternatives to opioids for pain.